Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer cuts and Ode to Hailee!

Well, it's about that time of year again....SUMMER time! The weather has been getting warmer around here, between the rain storms that is, and the boys have been waking up with sweaty heads. So yesterday morning before church David and I decided it was time for the good old buzz cuts! Here are the before and after pics of the boys :)

Now on to Hailee. What can I say about this girl! She is the cutest thing alive but man can she sure get into things. Ever since she started walking she has been into everything, bugging everyone and on the destruction path! She sure keeps me on my toes 24/7...even though I can't even see my own toes anymore. Geesh! She is starting to really grow up fast. She can say a few words and follows simple commands. Even though she's quick to make a mess she will help clean it up to. She can still out eat the boys and loves to bug them constantly. She definately is the spice in this family, our little ball of energy!


Tiffany said...

Love the buzz cuts. Hunter got one last week too. I love it, so easy to do, no more wetting and gel. Just wake up and go...pretty much anyway. When is that baby coming !!!

Christal said...

love the cuts!! Your kids are so dang cute!! Hailee is getting so big and I totally know the disaster into everything feeling Masen is a busy busy busy boy!!!! Well hope all is good ttys

Goodman Family said...

Oh they are getting so big! I can't believe you are about to have another one soon.

Kids are getting cuter everyday!

Dallas said...

aww, what sweet little cutie pies! I sure miss you guys already! Can't wait to see you again at the end of the month! love the hair cuts! give your little rug rats kisses from aunty k! luv ya!

Mary said...

You so have the cutest little ones with such fun personality! I am still remember how much that girl was on the go when she wasn't even crawling yet! You knew she was going to be a active one. I can just imagine her on feet!

Jason Young said...

Oh man do I miss you guys!! I can't believe Baby Halilee is so big.
