So my sister gave me a serious tongue lashing about my slacking of blog posts. So I thought I would make her happy and give everyone a little update on the Johnston household. So our eldest just turned 5! I know, we are getting old. He is such a little stud and really loves kindergarten. We had our first parent teacher interviews and she was very happy with Aidan and how well he is doing. So that's good. He's all about trains so that's what I made for his cake and he loved it...especially the candy cargo it was carrying.
So here are pics of our little ones in their trick-o-treating gear.
Aidan wanted to be a's nice that he actually knows what he wants now...unless you have no sewings skills. So I got this idea online. I just took an old umbrella and cut it in half and pinned it to a black hoodie. And the ears I made out of felt and pinned them on too. Covered my nasty pin job with black duct tape and TADA you have a bat! I was pretty impressed with myself and Aidan loved it!
My cute little bear! Don't you just want to pinch those little cheeks!
My little fairy princess. She's definately a girl. And of course our little monkey. :) They had a great time and luckily it wasn't too cold so they enjoyed themselves.