Xander just turned 3 on the 11th. He is growing up fast too. He also always seems to have a dirty face in any picture that I've taken of him. Hmmm, maybe I should wash my kids' faces more often. Geesh! He had a great birthday weekend. We (David and I) took him out for dinner while the other kids stayed home with a sitter. This is something we've been meaning to start for a while now. But since the kids are old enough now we thought this would be the perfect year to start. He had a great time and finished his entire meal plus a dessert! It was fun spending one on one time with him. The next night we invited a family from our branch over for cake, Ice cream and to play a few games. Xander loved having 8 other kids running around (yep the family has 8 wonderful kids!). Then on Sunday, his actual birthday we just chilled and let him open his present from us (which he will actually be getting come spring time...a bike!). He loved the picture of the bike and the idea that he will be getting one and understands why he didn't get it now. He's so smart! Love ya buddy!
Aidan started playschool. We bought him a backpack for school and for the first week he wore it everywhere....even to church! He was so excited to go. I was a little worried when the day finally came, that he wouldn't want to go. When we got there he was shown where his cubby was, got to put on his name tag and when we went into the classroom so that the teacher could show us around he was gone! I looked around and found him playing with a couple other boys with some trucks. Even when I went over to say goodbye and tell him I was leaving he didn't even bat an eyelash "see ya later mom" was all he said. He still loves it! So I'm pretty happy about that.
So cute and growing up so fast! I can't believe it!
awww they are all getting so big!! sounds like everything is going great for you guys... glad to see new pictures and an update!! Hopefully we can see you in person soon!!
I miss my babies!! They look so grown up! Tell David I said congrats and I wish him all the best in his new suroundings! love you, miss you!
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